Monday, October 8, 2007

A very bad movie! - Toy Story Reviews

This film is all a boy called Andy who has toys which come to life when he is not around. Andy does NOT know that his toys come to life. The film talks about how the toys hate the idea of Andy buying new toys. This because they think that Andy will get rid of them because he likes the new toys better. The toys in this film were behaving like real people. As a matter of fact, they were like a different sort of people because they felt that they could do anything. What was really puzzling about this film was that Woody told Buzz that he a toy. Woody constantly said, "YOU ARE A TOY! You are not a real person!" This does not make sense because Woody obviously knew that he was a toy himself. Woody was probably trying to talk down to Buzz. I think that this film is very bad. But it's not one of my worst films. I think it might have been a bit better in a few places but on the whole it was a bad film.

Ahead of it's time - Toy Story Reviews

Why doesn't Pixar just release a new movie every couple of month? This movie is amazing. The computer graphics alone steal the show, but the scipt is also very tightly written. Very funny for a PG movie as these writers know how to make you laugh without being vulgar.

Definately better than the 2nd! - Toy Story Reviews

i didnt really like the second movie too much but this movie is really great! i love this movie! watch this! its worth seeing 6 times! (thats how many times ive seen it =P)

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Story - Toy Story Reviews

hi my name is gurshan how are you are you ok if you are ok then why did you invite me to dinner you are a bad bay and trouble

The most entertaining animated movie ever - Toy Story Reviews

"Toy Story" may not be the greatest animated achievement ever; that either goes to "Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs" or "Fantasia." What it is, however, is more entertaining than both those films combined; in fact, it is among the most entertaining films ever made. The story is one that never fails to touch our hearts: a child loses a treasured toy. We've all seen this before from no less than the genius minds of Jim Henson and Frank Oz (not to mention Fred Rogers, those creative geniuses over at Cartoon Network, and that Ksupo company that does Nickelodeon's "Rugrats"); yet never has a movie so brilliantly encapsulated what it's like to be a ten-year-old boy. So many issues are touched-on in "Toy Story" as well. For the kids, it can help them deal with jealousy, friendship, compassion, and depression; for the adults, there's enough wit and wisdom to go around, but such hot-button issues as workplace competition are surprisingly resonant here. Obviously, "Toy Story" is important for its contribution to the now-gazillion-dollar industry that is computer-animated movies. But what it has that no other computer-animated movie has yet (besides the glorious "Monsters, Inc.") is a winning heart. Woody, magificently voiced by Tom Hanks, and Buzz Lightyear, who boasts the voice of a surprisingly brilliant Tim Allen, encapsulate every diametric opposition imaginable: Woody is old-school, while Buzz represents the new, improved mechanical toys; Woody is the established "king" of young Andy's toybox, while Buzz is the young upstart toy; Woody has accepted and is happy with his status as a toy, while Buzz is under the seeming delusion that he's some sort of "space ranger." Hanks and Allen give life to the best on-screen buddy-duo in history, a veritable odd couple right out of a Neil Simon play--except that Woody hates Buzz with every ounce of his being. There are jokes in this movie too numerous to count, but Woody has most of the best one-liners, including the oft-missed "Okay, Mr. LightBeer, prove it." Hanks has always been at his best when using his vocal talents more than his acting ability (I maintain that he's more impressive in "Big" and "Forrest Gump" than in "Saving Private Ryan" or "Philadelphia"), and his reactions to the situations inside toy-land are irrepresively funny (witness Woody's reaction to a hive of identical squeezy-toy aliens in a claw machine who essentially worship the claw like a golden calf). There were numerous talented writers on this film (including "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" creator Joss Whedon, "Simpsons" writer Joel Cohen, John "Finding Nemo" Lasseter, and "Monsters, Inc." director Peter Docter to name a few), and while the styles are decidedly distinct, it never feels like any one style prevails over any of the others. Without a doubt, some jokes seem wholly Simpsonian (see that claw machine gag), while much of the dialogue could have come right out of a "Buffy" episode, but the different styles mesh so well that eventually you forget you're watching an animated kids' movie and just enjoy the ride. Everything about "Toy Story" is perfect; only the overly trite ending shot of Buzz and Woody grinning ironically at each other keeps this film from being the greatest of all time.

First pixar movie - Toy Story Reviews

It's a movie about a world where toys come to life. My favorite part was when Sid took Woody and Buzz to his house, but the saddest part was Andy lost his favorite toys. ANYWAY, THIS MOVIE IS AWESOME. I bought the video in 1996.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

This movie was awesome!!! - Toy Story Reviews

This movie was so funnie! I loved Woodie and Buzz and all the other characters! Our family watched this movie over and over!!

Exciting movie - Toy Story Reviews

This movie is cool, funny, and exciting. Hanks and Allen did great in this classic about a cowboy toy(Hanks) who's place is taken by a space ranger toy(Allen). An instant classic I recommend from ages 6 to adult. I'm glad they made a sequel.

Yeah! - Toy Story Reviews

i have nearly watched it everyday, honestly, one of the top films that disney has made, keep it up, if you haven't seen it, rent it...better yet, buy it, b'cuz it is one of the bestest movie yet!

Friday, October 5, 2007

The beginning of a streak of awesome cgi movies - Toy Story Reviews

OK, so you may think that a movies about toys is immature, but it's not! This is an awesome movie for all ages, it was just aimed to be a childrens movie. This was one of the first greatest cgi movies, advancing ther movie industry quite a bit. Pixar selected two great voices for the parts, Tom Hanks and Tim Allen. Then of course there's the plot that just sucks you in until it's over. This is a movie u definitely have to sit down and watch.

Toy story - Toy Story Reviews

No doubt that this is the best Disney/Pixar movie to ever come to the big screen. Woody (Voice of Tom Hanks) feels threatened as Andy's favorite toy when Buzz Lightyear (Voice of Tim Allen) suddenly appears in the picture. When he tries to rid Buzz of his existence, things backfire as the two toys find themselves stranded with each other. If not for the better, they wind up in the clutches of a psycho kid named Sid (Andy's next door neighbor), who is also a kid with a fascination of torturing toys for fun. Woody and Buzz suddenly form a friendship as they try to escape the grounds of Sid and also try to find their way home before Andy moves to a new home. The last half of the film is nothing but adventure for the cowboy and the space ranger as they experience a chase by Sid's dog, a race for the moving van and rockets leading them to high anxiety. Holla at me if you agree that this is the best Disney/Pixar movie of all time.

Simply great! - Toy Story Reviews

This movie is on my top ten forever. It was just simply excellent. Usually things like this have stupid stories, this was clever. The visuals will blow you away and Pixar is on it's way to the top. It was also funny. I laughed out loud at parts and I'm ninteen! I saw it when I was like twelve and I still love it. After your kids watch this film, they will sit up in their room and play with their toys for hours!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Amazing - Toy Story Reviews

A deceptively simple story 'peopled' with charming, funny, and well-realised characters and highly enjoyable fare for anyone who ever owned a toy.

The best disney film of the 1990's - Toy Story Reviews

Toy Story is Disney's first ever computer animated full length feature. The story revolves round toys coming to life, and there are generally gags galore, when Woody the cowboy is jealous of Buzz Lightyear the spaceranger. And then they have to work as a team to escape from Sid(Who enjoys destroying things) in order to get back to their rightful owner Andy before they move away. The characters are wondefully animated, and the voice acting is superb. A very enjoyable film that suits all members of the family. Who's dumb idea was it to give it a 'PG' rating?

" i got a snake in my boots" - Toy Story Reviews

I love this movie. This is one of my favorite kid movies. Lion King and Toy Story are my favorites. I like woody more then i liked buzz lighter but there both pretty cool. I love watching this movie and never get tired of it.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Very funny and unique movie - Toy Story Reviews

This movie is a classic. woody the leader of all andy's toys is replaced by Buzz(an intergalactic toy) he gets very jealous and pushes Buzz out the window. He goes to find him and after quarelling they work together to get back. after some success buzz gets discouraged and woody takes over. in the end they all come together to save buzz from the evil kid(sid) next door. a decent plot.

A fair first - Toy Story Reviews

This Toy Story movie is in the neighborhood. Woody does his thing in a bedroom, with his friends. Buzz Lightyear zips around the house. I probably don't remember the whole story, but I remember that the family movied from the house to another one near the end of the movie, and the toys get left behind a little before they zipped over. The dog got left behind for sure, caged in by the confused cars. I like the second movie better.

For moms a dad of toy story - Toy Story Reviews

when i was a child, i loved that movie, now that i am a teenager i find it as okay, good, and not so perfect. It's NOT a childs play or chuckie movie at all, it's all about loving charectors whom ennconuter a mean neighbor. As buzz and woody try to escape to get to ANDY'S HOME. Now isn't there a movie where these charectors are hanging towards an airplane? Yes, is it violent? No. This is a lovable childrens movie, no, there is NO blood, or violent impact. some mild humor, but that's all. there's no sexual stuff either. Well- it is a G RATED MOVIE RIGHT? Yes, it is ! I reccomend children who are attached to cartoons and like being adventuress . Note: please stay away from toddlers watching this, some may be scared of Sid, a boy that does in fact, rip/bite off dolls head, but do not worry parents. No alcohol or drug, sexual or anything that may upset you as a parent. Thank you for reading this, and i hope you will let you children watch this terrific movie. for adults? this movie is not so great, but that's why we apperciate it. It's full of imagination.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Wow! - Toy Story Reviews

WOW! Toy story is one of the best movies of the year!!!!! Its better than meet the robinsons and other movies.

My favorite movie - Toy Story Reviews

This has been my favorite movie and it always will.I dream of making a Toy Story movie one day.In short,this movie could align all the planets and render them full of life.

Not as good as the secend - Toy Story Reviews


Sunday, September 30, 2007

What a movie - Toy Story Reviews

Great, it was outstanding one of my favorie movies. Toy Story is oscar worthy. I own this movie and Tim Allen and Tom Hanks were in one of the bestmovies EVER!

Good movie - Toy Story Reviews

This was one of my favorites when I was small. Now I really don't care much for it but I'll give it a B-. When I was little it would get an A or A+

A family film with brains and heart (spoilers) - Toy Story Reviews

This film pushed the boundaries of animated cinema. Not only did it show a animated film that hit a great emotional mark with both children and adults, but the visual look of the movie is just perfect. Tom Hanks and Tim Allen are superb in their roles as the main characters in the movie, bickering and fighting but always having a beautifully complex relationship. The environments are spot-on, from Pizza Planet to Sids atmospheric bedroom, whilst the characters are both incredibly charming and memorable. The script is written brilliantly well, and the action sequences show an amazing sense of comedy and style. This film talks about friendship and love, then brings in well thought-through obstacles which our heroes must tackle. A fantastic family film, with great wit and humour for all ages!

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Pretty good - Toy Story Reviews

This movie was pretty slow and the story was pretty stupid. But kids will adore the movie and laugh. It's a pretty funny movie and I recommend to let your kids watch it! I love the voices, Hanks was great! Kids will cherish this movie and will watch it over again!

Toy story! - Toy Story Reviews

Wow! There 1st future lengh movie on pixar anamation studios! It Was The Best!Ton Hanks did a good job!And i heard it got Tim Allen, Wallce Shaun,Don Rickles,Even Jim Varney!!!It's number 4 on my top 20!Thank you Director for the Toy story!And Look for toy story 10th aveverseary!!

Classic tale for kids - Toy Story Reviews

This is a magical movie and is the best that has ever been made by Pixar, although The Incredibles came close. This is about Woody, a cowboy doll that has been his owner Andy's favorite for years, until a new toy, Buzz Lightyear, comes along. Andy's attention is drawn to this new toy and Woody gets jealous. After a bunch of different circumstances, they must work together to get back to Andy and they become great friends. Really the only thing that could possibly scare kids are some of the toys in Sid's room. Sid mangles his toys and one example is a baby doll's head with only one eye and very little hair connected to a K-Nex set of spider legs. Sid's toys turn out to be good, but still, possibly a little scary depending on how sensitive your little kid is. Anyways, it's a great movie for all ages.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Toy story - Toy Story Reviews

This movie is one of the greats .It funny and sweet at the same time.Disney did a great job again with this film.This and lion king show the greatness of Disney.The movie captures you in it heartfull story of toys.Who ever knew toy can actully make a great story.

Best movie of all-times - Toy Story Reviews

This was the best movie I have ever seen in my life. It was really realistic, funny, and sad. I hope they make a Toy Story 3.

Pixar perfect - Toy Story Reviews

"Toy Story" is a work of art, it is one of the best animation work ever! It takes cartoons a whole other level, and with it's box office hits it matches up perfect. Ya Ya the animation is awsome, but the story is sooooo great! It's hard to make an awsome animation work of art with the perfect story to go along with it, this movie was GREAT!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Toy story - Toy Story Reviews

My favorite movies is Walt Disney and Cartoon on TV are great for young people. The Walt Disney Picture logo is now open available on United Airlines with aircraft is Boeing 747-400; but we will see a beautiful logos picture in Dallas, Texas or in Chicago, Illinois.

Toy story - Toy Story Reviews

Toy Story has been the best movie I've ever seen. I give it 2 thumbs up and a gold star. I gave everything a A+ it the best movie I ever see..

One of the greatest movies of our time - Toy Story Reviews

this movie started the computer animated movies, and it definetely gave it one of the best first steps. it is one of the best of our time. It is also one of the funniest

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

You have to like this movie - Toy Story Reviews

The unknown company Pixar stepped into the ring. Having hardly any competitors (I mean really, animation movies were hardly ever put on the big screen) it went for the knockout. And what did it get, one of the greatest animation films ever. The story is about a boy having all these toys but what he doesn't know they are real. Woody is Andy's (the boy) favorite toy for a long time. Because of this he has assumed the leader/popularity role for the other toys. Then Andy gets Buzz Lightyear, the best toy ever created. Woody, now hardly loved any more, tries to kill Buzz, fails, and is stuck in the middle of nowhere with Buzz. Any movie with Tom Hanks has to be good and this one is no exception (plays woody). Buy this one please. You have to like this movie.

Good, and original... - Toy Story Reviews

Toy Story use to be my favorite movie of all time, when i was small, like 4 or 3 years old. the sequel was good as well. i don't obsess over it, but i liked it.

Toy story - Toy Story Reviews

I think this movie is great. i saw this movie a million times. I even like toy story . This movie is so great. my favorite charcater is MR.POTOTA HeaD. I think he is so much funny.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

It's okay for grown-ups to enjoy toys - Toy Story Reviews

Toy Story is absolutely brilliant. I normally do not rate movies with A+ scores across the board because I feel that most films can improve on at least one thing, but when a movie like this one makes me wish it never had to end, it deserves an A+. Children will love this one as well as the parents. If you're not a kid, you'll wish that you still were. The whole family will enjoy this one so grab some popcorn, find a comfy chair and enjoy the show!

When toys walk the earth - Toy Story Reviews

In this movie all of the toys are real (including the ones in the machine.) Any way the main plot of the movie is for Woody(Tim Allen) To become his owners bets friend. Because when a new toy comes in to town every one is buying it. So the new toy is Buzz Lightyear. And now he is the new best toy. (this review probally is'nt making much sence.)

Toy story is cool but toy story 2 is better - Toy Story Reviews

Toy Story is a pretty good movie you get some comidie some romance and some action all in a pixar film!!!!!!!! Pixar Roxs Hard MAN!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Groundbreaking, wonderful - Toy Story Reviews

First feature of its kind is smart, funny, and warmer than you would expect from copmputer animation. Great characters make a great story.

Typical disney movie for all ages - Toy Story Reviews

"Woody" (voiced by Tom Hanks) is "Andy's" (voiced by John Morris) favorite toy who has the honor of staying on the boy's bed. He is well respected by the other toys, who look to him as a leader. All the toys are preparing for two big events -- "Andy's" birthday, and the move to a new house, which requires the toys to pick a "moving buddy" in insure that they all make the move safely. However, they are surprised when they learn that "Andy's" birthday party has been moved up a week. The toys are real nervous about what the guests are giving the boy, as they may be replaced. All things seem fine, as there appears to be no toys that will replace any of the resident's of "Andy's" room. That is, unitl "Andy" and his party guests come in, and "Andy" knocks "Woody" off the bed and places a present his mother (voiced by Laurie Metcalf) gave him at the last second. The toys are anxious to meet the new toy, and are pretty surprised to find "Woody" on the floor. "Woody" climbs to the top of the bed, where he sees a crunched up box in the shape of a spaceship, he is then surprised by a plastic toy called "Buzz Lightyear" (voiced by Tim Allen). The toys are happy to meet the new toy, and are curious about him since he is much more advanced then they are. But "Woody" is unimpressed, and makes fun of the newcomer when it is obvious that "Lightyear" believes he's a real person and not a toy. It slowly becomes obvious that "Lightyear" has become "Andy's" new favorite, and it makes "Woody" quite jealous. He plans a scheme that would trap "Lightyear" behind the desk, but he accidentally knocks his competition for "Andy's" affection out the window, and the other toys become upset with him and accuse him of murder. Now "Woody" must go outside, find "Lightyear" and clear his name to regain the trust of the other toys. The first thing you notice is the excellent computer animation in this film. The details the animators put in the fictional world, which includes the reflection off "Lightyear's" visor" is well done. However, the human cast look pretty cartoonish, and sometimes the characters don't cast a shadow. The cast is really good in this film. They really are able to make you believe that the toys they play are alive and give them unique personalities. They are also good at delivering the the jokes as if they are just regular dialogue and not expecting a laugh. Just about every character, except for the humans, are nicely developed. The personalities of each character are established rather quickly, and are well written. Parents will like how that the writers are able to teach lessons like teamwork in this film, while the children will enjoy the movie as a form of entertainment. Parents will also like the chuckle-worthy jokes that will get past children (for example, look at the name of the realtor on the for sale sign outside the house). The songs, all written and performed by Randy Newman, helps advance the scenes emotions nicely. The only problem is that the songs pretty much sound the same. In my opinion, this would be a good rental as well as a good addition to the family's video library.

A must see! - Toy Story Reviews

I rated this a long time ago.I felt that I should write a review.The first time I saw this movie was in 1996 when I was 3.(before my birthday at the end of the year.)It changed history being the first movie to be animated.Very Good story and voice overs.Not only for kids but also for adults too.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Amazing disney film - Toy Story Reviews

This set the stage for new groundbreaking movie making material. As you start watching it you're just in awe as to how this is all possible. And you can't help but playfully wonder if all those toys you had could've come to life and done all those things. Hanks and Allen are perfect for these characters as this film has alot of comedy and alot of heart.

Pixars first film - Toy Story Reviews

The First movie from the creators of Finding Nemo, is disapointing, by Nemos standerds, but its still very good, the casting of Tom Hanks, was perfect, it could not have been better.

Warmth has overwealmed me - Toy Story Reviews

What a great fun movie this is. I love the comuter animation and how they actually got good actors to play the voices. It should be known as not just a toy story but a toy legend.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

The best pixar/disney film ever - Toy Story Reviews

Toy Story in my opinion, is hands down the best Pixar and the best Disney movie ever. I love Toy Story, and I recommend it extremely.

Andy newton's toy story review - Toy Story Reviews

A fun film that is the first of its kind. The first animation movie, and arguably the best one. "Woody", a pull-string cowboy is Andys favourite toy, until the childs birthday brings him a new more exciting toy. A flashy new space-ranger called "Buzz lightyear", that seems to be the coolest toy of all time. As Andy plays with the new toy, Woody gets jealous and trys to get rid of the new action toy. As this gets Buzz lost from Andys house, it also gets Woody lost too. Together Woody and buzz work together trying to get back to Andys house, and ending up in the clutches of a next door neighbor bully. With help of toy box pals Rex the dinosaur, the green army men and mr potato head. This story unites a friendship of buzz and woody for an amazing adventure home! I think this film is great, as it combindes humour with comedy, and also sorro. How we feel sorry for buzz, when finding out he's just a toy. And how the Woody's attitude changes. Woody starting out the jealous, grumpy cowboy doll, and ending up as the inpirational toy that brings buzz back to life. A Masterpeice animation that can be brought back time and time again, TOY STORY will dazzle you with a new kind of disney magic!

The best disney movie - Toy Story Reviews

Toy is the coolest movie I've seen it has so much adventure and laughs to it it's worth all yor time to see it. Every kid and adults would adore this movie.The characters in Toy story are so cute and funny I loved Woddy the most so if you want to see a good movie with your family see TOY STORY.

The first and the best! - Toy Story Reviews

This film was the first computer-animated film and it was a massive success.It has it all, the perfect story , perfect characters , perfect visuals and a perfect time to come out.Before 1995, there was no computer-animated films so no one knows what the heck it is.After its release, computer-animated films started its own reign and now, there is even a place in the Academy Awards for Best Animated Films. In this film nobody was shown in a bad way.Everyone was good.Its entertaining to watch their witty figures of speaking.Tom Hanks and Tim Allen did played their role in making this film a masterpiece and a film to be remebered in the future.Till now there are no films that can match this one(Finding Nemo,Shrek and Madagascar stand a chance). This is not only for kids but for the whole family to watch.

Ha, ha - Toy Story Reviews

To be honesty this movie was hallarious. I like every thing about this movie. It had a point and it mad it's point. I wonder if theres going to be a #3!!! love, Lee_a

The toys are back in town! - Toy Story Reviews

The wizards at Pixar and Disney have created a film that is unlikely to be forgotten in the next few years. Toy Story, the first completely computer-animated movie ever, is fresh and funny, and it takes the state of animation to a heretofore undreamed-of level. Nice touches make the film a true delight to watch, with details like water droplets on windows, the detailed underbelly of the moving van, and reflections of the family in Christmas tree ornaments. I'd wager something new could be found every time the movie is seen. Nonetheless, Toy Story is a visual feast, perfect for the holidays. You might also like: Toy Story 2, Findin Nemo, Monsters, Inc. & Shrek.